Sunday, January 24, 2010

You know something that is really cool about second life? You can travel while at home. I know it's not the same thing. But, for someone like me who has never traveled extensively, it's an interesting way to get a glimpse of somewhere else. In this picture, I am on an observation deck of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Isn't it lovely with the sun setting in the distance? I can practically feel the breeze.

The Ensemble:

New Shape for Gwen (Ryanne Kenyon Creation)

Stiletto Moody Bare Ginger in Silver

Junwave Sweet Lady in Brown

ByKay Elouise Earrings

Belleza Alyson Group Gift in Medium (yep, another blogger talking about Alyson...but you should see this face!!)

Ingenue Japonica in Lipstick

Poetic Colors Grey Sea

Sigma Jewels Amie Bracelets in Grey

*and yes, btw, I am a dumb ass, I hit post on an empty posting first :-p

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